How To Visit The Synagogue Church Of All Nations


What do I need to know BEFORE I consider applying to visit SCOAN Lagos?

481 thoughts on “How To Visit The Synagogue Church Of All Nations

    1. I want to visit TB Joshua in Nigeria Legos How can I reach the forms What I see is only EU country Can you please give me information please God Bless you Thank you


      1. Greeting in the name of the LORD please could you assist me to know the way I will get to Nigeria and meet Prophet TB Joshua for my healing. Please help me in the name of GOD.I am desperate and longing to seeing him please


        1. Greetings in JESUS name please i wish to visit man of GOD prophet TB Joshua could you please make known to me the way i will meet man of GOD and receive my healing


      2. I am an ardent follower of Scoan via Emmanuel TV for the last 7 months within which I have applied four times to visit the SCOAN to experience first hand presence of God. Of which I am yet to be lucky for invitation. I pray that one of these days my prayers will go through.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I want to travel from Liberia to Nigeria to VISIT the SCOAN CHURCH ALSO…. I have been watching on TV for the pass five months now, but i done know how to do the booking?


      2. Hi. greeting to Prophet TB J. and his ministry. i am a Namibian and have bother who want to travel to prayers. can you please guides us on how can come there. the booking.


  1. Greetings to Prophet T B Joshua ,Family and Emmanuel T V Partners.Thank you for everything you do for many people,God bless you always .I have applied for an invitation letter a few times now,from round about 2008,then 17 February 2009,18 March 2009,17 April 2009 and beginning this year got a referrence number been waitng please can kindly assist me.I know you doing you uttermost best to help many people.God bless you always ,i wait for your invitation letter .Matthew 10.40 May God continue to work through you and in you be blessed always love Cassandra.


  2. Greetings to Prophet T B Joshua ,Family and Emmanuel T V Partners .Thank you for everything you do for many people God bless akways.I have applied for an invitation letter a few times now from round about 2008,then February 17-2009,March 18-2009,then last year and beginning this year got a referrence number 39 been waiting please may you kindly assit me know you doing your best to help many ,many look forward to come always cant wait to come ,watch Emmanuel T V alnost everyday you told many to come the right way thats why i wait for ur invitation letter Matthew 10.40 May God continue to work through you and in you love Cassandra.


  3. March 23, 2011 at 10:52 am

    I praise the Lord for the information that you have sent to me.
    May the good Lord Jesus Christ continue protecting you and blessing you.


  4. I sincerely appreciate the enforcement of the rules governing the system of visitors visiting for different purposes. But the system must be fare to eleminate frustration and disappointments. If the computer will be used to arrange for the invitation as you aply, it will be better, Because some of us have applied and call several times without being recognised or considered
    for acceptance


    1. May the love of God and his son Jesus be in your church, national, and all patteners of
      emmauel – scoan church, i applied to visit your church and awaiting for your reply, may God
      ‘s will lend to accept my visiting, God richly bless u all.
      belinda bilali, zambia.


    2. I have the strong belief that these people are guided by the Holy Spirit. That’s why others are admitted at one kick while others take time to be considered, as the Spirit directs, I believe!

      I would like to know if, indeed, you have started to send your church representatives in different foreign countries to prepare trips for people who have the strong desire to visit SCOAN? At the moment other people are busy making arrangements through this channel. So I wanted to find out first before I join them

      Please, I really need your quick direction before it is too late!


      1. I would like to come myself to ,Scoan for deliverance, How can I get a visa I live in Tanzania my names are Knighty Pamela Maganda


        1. Emanuel!!it’s quite a challenge to vosit scan . I’m really struggling to visit scoan. Pleas,please,please help me even if it means by road to Nigeria,I will.
          I’m Annastancia from Mombasa,Kenya.


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