At the Name of Jesus Every Principality and Power Are Bowing at SCOAN

TB Joshua, The SCOAN, Prophet, Emmanuel TV, Anointing water
Prophet TB Joshua

The phrase “Principalities and Powers” is found eight times (Romans 8:38, Ephesians 1:21, 3:10, 6:12, Colossians 1:16, 2:10, 2:15 and Titus 3:1) in the Bible, and always in the King James versions only. Other versions translate it variously as “Rulers and Authorities,” “Forces and Authorities,” or “Rulers and Powers”. In most places where the phrase appears, the contexts make it clear that it refers to the “Vast Array of Evil and Malicious Spirits” making war against the people of God. The principalities and powers of Satan are the wield power in the unseen realms to oppose everything and everyone that is of God. This is what Prophet TB Joshua says, “Anything related to Jesus is attacked by Satan”. But Paul in (Romans 837-39) says that “We are more than conquerors through Him (Jesus) who loved us”. This victory Jesus Christ has won over for us we observe daily in SCOAN, where Prophet TB Joshua is Bishop. In other words, the prophet is saying that “Christians need to know that when they become Christians they may also come under attack from these powers and principalities”, even after receiving healing, deliverance or receiving a prophecy. The prophet is also preparing his audience and viewers for this possible Satan’s attack. The good news is that the powers are created by Christ and therefore under His control, (Colossians 2:10-13). They are not to be feared, for they have been disarmed by Jesus on the cross. By His death, took dominion from them, and took back what they had captured.

Principalities and powers take abode in individuals, territories, cities, etc. Some cities may have a principality of murder hovering over it, or have a hindrance principality operating in their region, or have racism, or sexual perversion or corruption perversion. Others may have a gang principality, or kidnapping, stealing, addictions to vices, or any others too numerous to name. From various testimonies aired on Emmanuel.TV some of these spirits speak out for themselves. That is the team at SCOAN, led by Prophet TB Joshua, are a testimony and a reassurance that we have protection and help as Christians. Prophet TB Joshua’s emphasis on accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and building our faith in Jesus is very germane. Whilst Jesus raised the dead Lazarus He said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” (John 11:40). Believing becomes our connection to seeing the glory of God.

People are starving for the glory and majesty of God because He is the unknown cure of their troubled lives. Engaging in teaching that does not have the aroma of God’s greatness may entertain for a season but won’t touch the hidden cry of the soul, “Show me your glory, Lord “. As we walk through the wilderness of this present evil age with Prophet TB Joshua we can begin to perceive a glimpse of the glory of God just as Apostle John saw on the Isle of Patmos. This is why in SCOAN we observe many crying out immediately after Prophet TB Joshua prays for them saying, “Thank You Jesus”, “I can see”, “I can walk”, “I can raise my arms”, etc., because they perceive instantly God’s glory and His sweet presence. Instantly the prophet is connected with the congregation because God is central in the “practical teaching”. The signs and wonders become means to seeing the glory of God. In sermons where self has acquired centre stage, and God, if He is there at all, has been marginalized the focus has shifted from God, who He is and what He has done, to the eloquent-self and our activity, our needs and our experiences; whereas the Bible Theology is practical.

When our minds and our hearts become lifted by faith from the things that can be seen and directed to the things that are unseen and eternal, we’re recalibrated to receive the remedy that heals our troubled souls (Ps. 73). That’s why Paul can boldly declare to the Corinthians, “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2). Jesus Christ is the One sent from heaven (John 6) to deliver us from this present evil age and bring us to God. At SCOAN this Jesus is often called Emmanuel or God with us. He is God for us and by His Holy Spirit, God in us. “And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever”, (Rev. 5:13). Emmanuel

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

Coronavirus – The Time for World Humility

coronavirus, china, tb joshuaThe miraculous testimonies coming out of China of the rapid healings and zero cases of locally affected patience in Wuhan and low transmission of the coronavirus, after the Prophecy of the man of God, Prophet TB Joshua on the showers of rain that will wipe away every fear of the unknown, which include coronavirus is a testament to the fact that God is already in control of this coronavirus epidemic that is causing fear around the world.

Truly the Chinese were very effective and transparent in their handling of the virus and the world is celebrating them for the work well done, but we need to acknowledge the fact that the good news coming out of China is a product of God’s grace. Remember there is no clinical cure to the virus yet. The situation in China is being under control because of God’s intervention and this every other nation need to emulate.

Europe, especially Italy is now the epicentre for the coronavirus. With more death compare to China where the virus started.

This is the time for us to run to God for help amidst this global epidemic. There is nothing to be ashamed of. An extraordinary situation requires extraordinary actions. Genuine Faith needs to be activated and the world needs to humble themselves and be awaking to the reality that God is supreme above all.

The Prophet always remind us that in every situation, God has something to say. There is nothing that happened in this world that is a coincidence, everything happened for a reason. This is why the world needs to understand that this is not a time for world politics of accusations and counter-accusation. This is a time for us to do a proper self-examination on our relationship with God and others around us.

We need to know that this is a delicate time. This is not a time for arrogance because it will only bring about self-destruction. Anybody can be a victim, irrespective of the class or status.

No one can stand on the way of God, His purposed will be achieved whether we like it or not, all we need to do is to humbly come to him and asked for His mercy. The grace is available and the healing is already done. Just come to him and partake in that healing grace.

The world has to seek His face in the sincerity of hearth if we want this healing that we are seeing manifesting in China to go through other parts of the world rapidly especially, those that are presently the epicentre of this epidemic.

God is not a liar, His words are true and sure. It is left for us to claim it to ourselves in humility, righteousness and Faith.

tb joshua, scoan
New Morning Anointing Water

Due to the alarming rate of death coming out of Italy and other affected nations around the world coupled with the fact that there is still no vaccine that can fight this virus, we are still insisting that the government of those affected nations in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), should come to the SCOAN to officially other for the Anointed Water that has been affected by God, for healing and deliverance.

Perhaps, this continual call may seem foolish to many around the world and even opposed by the sceptic, unbelievers and the Satanist ideologist. But we should always put it in mind that, the vicissitude of time will tell who is indeed foolish and wise.


Coronavirus: TB Joshua Praying for China and the World Healing

tb joshua, mountian, 2020 prayer
Prophet TB Joshua Praying at Mountain Top

Early last year, TB Joshua gave a world Prophecy at the prayer mountain that the year we are entering will be a ‘fearful year’ and it was indeed very fearful. Which confirmed the Prophet Prophecy. However, he reiterated the same Prophecy early this year when he was releasing the Prophecy for 2020. The Prophet told us that it is not over yet and that by God’s time table, last year, 2019 will end till March 2020. And this again we can confirm from the event so far, since the beginning of 2020 that there is fear up till now around the world, especially, with the outbreak of the Coronavirus.

We need to know that this killer Coronavirus that is causing fear around the world and currently taking lives and putting many on the sick bed started in 2019. But there was less publicity than on its rampage.

Since the outbreak of this killer virus, there have been rumours going around about the source of the virus. Some are even insinuating that it might be a biological weapon targeted at those affected nations, comparing it with the past case of the Ebola Virus.

Regardless of the truth or falsehood behind this rumours, one thing we must know is that the human race is fighting one enemy, and that enemy is the devil. The devil is behind the killing and destruction that his taking place around the world.

Just like what the Prophet said to the world about the Ebola Virus, the Coronavirus killer diseases and other of its likes are all from the pit of hell – manufactured by Satan to inflict pains, death and hardship on the human race. Satan is the enemies of God’s people. Satan is the one causing hate and spreading mistrust amongst the human race and he is behind this present epidemic called Coronavirus.

It is high time we understand that our fellow humans are not our true enemies. Humans in is normal self cannot kill or cause harm to their fellow neighbours. Those that are being used to spread evil and causing division around the world are under invisible forces that can’t be seen by the human visible eyes.

It is easy for the world to condemn fellow human because we have been made to see ourselves as each other enemies. Unknowingly to us that the unfortunate victim and the propagator of the act are both victims who need help and God’s mercy. But, Who in the world will accept this today? We are quick to through stone at others for their misdeed forgetting that, we too are in need of God’s mercy.

As TB Joshua will rightly say, “If we fail to see that there are powers that cause people to bowed down in bondage, we are fighting the wrong battle.” Let us channel our energy to the right enemies, instead of targeting each other. We all are both victims of that one true enemy. The devil is the true enemies, not your fellow human. Once we start accepting this hard truth the better for the world.

The world needs to come together at this critical time to help China and other affected nations. We need to preach the message of the wound of one is the wound of all. Whatever is going on in China now should be a thing of concern to the entire human race. Christ called us to be our brother’s keepers. Let us continue to show love to them that are around us. Help each other in the little way we can.

Just as it is the wise thing for us as leaders and good citizens of the world to protect our respective countries and territories from this ravaging killer virus, we should also be very careful with our words and actions. We should not fall into the temptation of shutting our doors against our neighbours, because of fear. Remember that the devil is the father of fear.

Our words and actions should bring hope to today victims, not segregation and hate. Let us look for how we can help each other and heal our world. The world belongs to us all, God has given us this world. It’s just the devil that is wrestling it from us.

Yesterday was Ebola virus in some part of Africa, today is Coronavirus in some part of China and other nations. Who knows, it can be yours tomorrow. We all should come together and see how we can help to bring this spread to a stop.

Those close to the government of China and other affected nations should take it as a personal duty to inform them about the Prophet and the SCOAN Anointed water, that has been affected by God to break the world free from every bondage and sickness.

They have to make an official request before the Prophet can release the Anointed water to the affected nations. This is not an individual thing. Things like this need genuine government request and enforcement. Every one of us has a role to play. Our God is a God of orderliness. He leaves men to their own will and discretion. He does not force Himself on us.

Surely, the Prophet is praying fervently for the affected nations and the world healing. The Prophet is indeed concerned about the happenings around nations of the world. His prayer is to see a world that will be free from the stronghold of darkness.

May God deliver us from the enemy stronghold… Amen!

Faith Working Through Love by Prophet TB Joshua of SCOAN

tb joshua, scoanThe Bishop of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Senior Prophet TB Joshua, in his opening teaching at the Living Water Service yesterday (February 3, 2020), gave a profound exposition on how “our faith works through our love”. He gave the teaching from Galatians 5:6. We would have most probably read from this part of the Bible many times hitherto but what Prophet TB Joshua is simply saying is this; “For our faith to work, we need to walk in love toward God and other people. If our faith hasn’t been working lately, the reason is probably that we haven’t walked in love well enough”.

Many times we wonder where this prophet draws his inspirations from. They are so precise, simple and yet very deep and sufficient for our deliverance and the salvation of our souls. We need to get it very clear that in Christ Jesus neither circumcised nor uncircumcised has any value. It is not how long we can fast, it is not because we would put in some big efforts at all. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Unfortunately, religion has stolen the gospel from the general public and presenting them with work and personal efforts; of course, all of which are good but they are not the first things.

Faith is having complete trust or confidence in God whereas love is an intense desire to meet the needs of others without the slightest expectation of receiving anything in return. Ordinarily, the two requirements, faith and love, seem to be working differently but Prophet TB Joshua has put them together for our success. It is heart gladden knowing that our faith works through our love. Hence we are taught that our faith works through God’s love for us; not our love for Him. When we understand how much God loves us, the width, length, depth, and height we will be full with all the fullness of Him. God will then be able to do more than we can ask for or think according to the power that works in us.

We thank God for the gift of prophet TB Joshua at this particular time in history. His love for humanity is deep-rooted. Many of us who know him since the early 1990s will testify that he is a consistent generous giver in love, expecting no repayment. Similarly, those coming across him daily today have free opportunities to be healed, prayed for and directed by revelation in prophecy. This is Jesus’ command to all of us to love God and to also love our neighbours. Giving is the actual seed sowing to produce a hundred folds as re-echoed by the prophet in the SCOAN.

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

TB Joshua’s ‘Morning Water’ Saves Zimbabwean Mad Man For 25years In South Africa

A touching testimony from South Africa of reconciliation and restoration after years of madness, homelessness and family separation has been shared on TB Joshua’s official Facebook Page.

According to the testimony shared by Geogina Gumindega, she had visited Joshua’s popular church in Lagos, Nigeria in October 2019 and received some ‘Morning Water’ – an item believed to be ‘anointed by Jesus Christ’.

Geogina subsequently learned of a heart-breaking situation from one of her close friends whose brother had mysteriously disappeared for twelve years after leaving Zimbabwe for South Africa.

According to the lengthy tale, the man – whose name was given as Leon Ayamu – “left home without the blessing of his parents and also ran away from a woman who had just given birth to his daughter.”

The situation deteriorated in South Africa to the point that Ayamu “started to live in the bush” and fell into mental degradation.

It was so bad that he was “surviving solely on fruits and vegetables” with “monkeys for companionship” in his homeless state.

His discovery was nothing short of miraculous! “We ministered the Morning Water on his sister at 11pm on December 7th,” Miss Gumindega explained. “At 9am on December 8th, she saw her brother by the roadside on her way to the supermarket,”

“God had put him in the right place to be seen by his sister who was not even looking for him that morning!”

The family were apprehensive “due to his rude and violent nature at the time” but “managed to convince him to follow us home”.

Thereafter, Joshua’s ‘Morning Water’ was ministered to Ayamu and placed in the water in which he took his bath.

“After this first bath, he went on to sleep for six hours that afternoon. According to him, he started to remember his family and actually miss them after waking up from this sleep!”

The path to mental stability had begun as the dishevelled man told his family “he began to crave human companionship” instead of merely staying with animals.

A matter of weeks later, with plenty of prayer with the ‘Morning Water’ and tender care, Ayamu “has regained consciousness, accepted Jesus as his Saviour and watches Emmanuel TV 24/7!”

Reflecting on his old life, the restored mad man said it felt “as though he lived in the jungle for only a month yet, in reality it had been over a decade!”

He has since reconnected with his estranged family members in Zimbabwe, “apologised to his parents for his rebellion” and broken free from an addiction to codeine and marijuana that fuelled him in the bush.

However, Ayamu’s tale is marked with disturbing and sordid details.

“He confessed to having suffered physical and sexual abuse from other men who took advantage of the vulnerability of homeless and mentally ill people,” Geogina revealed, explaining that at times he would “wake up with male semen all over his body”.

Gumindega hoped his testimony would “challenge our perspective of the kind of help we give to vulnerable people in his former state.”

Pictures of Ayamu’s condition when he was discovered in the bush and his current state a month later after returning to normalcy were equally included in the remarkable testimony to authenticate its contents.

With the abundance of such ‘testimonies’, TB Joshua’s church continues to attract followers from around the world, with official immigration statistics revealing six out of every ten visitors to Nigeria are bound for The SCOAN.

SOURCE: TB Joshua Ministries Facebook Page –

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Ihechukwu Njoku is a freelance Nigerian journalist…