Delivered – West Africa’s ‘most notorious drug-lord’

Looks, they say, can betray. Emmanuel cut a gaunt figure as he expertly rolled another joint of heroin, lighting it with a wry smile. Few would imagine such a minute, elusive figure could wield such immense influence in the Liberian underworld. For 18 years, Emmanuel Fahnbulleh ruled the roost, earning the infamous title of West Africa’s ‘most notorious drug-lord’. Overseeing an intricate network of drug trafficking, his illicit multi-million dollar business enslaved countless youths to the bondage of narcotic addiction. With a ruthless reputation for getting ‘the job’ done – wiping out whoever or whatever stood in the way – Emmanuel seemed the least likely candidate for change. Until grace stepped in…

It all began in 1996. A prodigious student, Emmanuel’s academic excellence drew the attention of a Nigerian man whose intentions of being in Liberia were nothing short of nefarious. Looking for a bright protégé to nurture in the ‘business’, he introduced the young man into the iniquitous world of drug-dealing. The draw of quick money, coupled with the apathetic attitude of authorities towards the mounting drug abuse in Liberia, easily lured Emmanuel in. He soon abandoned all scholarly pursuits to engage fully in drug-trafficking, rising through the ranks to become the number one distributor of illegal drugs in the entire country.

Aside from selling drugs, Emmanuel also became an addict, smoking on a daily basis. Indeed, he spared the ‘prime’ of the heroin supplied for his own intake, often taking drugs with a dangerously high level of concentration in a vain attempt to gratify his lavish lusts. The ‘high’ of the drugs however could not stop the inevitable fall that followed as each attempt to satisfy his urge for more seemed only to intensify it. Emmanuel had everything on the outside – money, prestige, women, power – yet remained empty within.

A few simple words were all it took that day. Sensing his brooding distress, a friend advised him to watch a certain television station, stating it would ‘make him feel better’. It was Emmanuel TV. Obliging, Emmanuel began to watch, although nonchalance marked his approach, spirituality being the furthest thing from his feverishly drug-induced mind. Entering his house one day, Emmanuel beheld a sight common for regular Emmanuel TV viewers. Prophet T.B. Joshua was praying, stretching forth his hand to viewers around the world. “Whatever that is not of God in your life, be cast out,” he authoritatively declared.

What transpired next defies logic itself! Uncannily rooted to the spot, Emmanuel felt an overwhelming presence pulsate through his entire body. Unable to move, let alone speak or cry out, it was as if a spiritual screening machine was x-raying the entirety of his system as the voice of T.B. Joshua’s prayer echoed on Emmanuel TV. “I suddenly felt something come out of me,” Emmanuel tearfully reminisced.

That glorious, supernatural moment signalled the last drug he ever sold or smoked! Not only did Emmanuel turn himself in at the national drug enforcement agency, he then championed the call for Liberian politicians to enforce a drug law ensuring stricter punishments for those caught in possession of such prohibited substances. His reformation made national news in Liberia as Fahnbulleh shared his confession via radio, television and newspapers – telling all who cared to listen about the life-changing power of God he encountered through Emmanuel TV! Finally making his way to The SCOAN to share his incredible testimony, the ex drug-pusher counselled viewers worldwide to agree in faith anytime Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for viewers, stating that his life was an undeniable example of the truth: DISTANCE IS NOT A BARRIER!!!

2 thoughts on “Delivered – West Africa’s ‘most notorious drug-lord’

  1. Emmanuel – God with us. I praise and glorify the Lord Almighty for what He has done in the life of Emmanuel Fahnbulleh for the salvation of his soul when he heard the voice of Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua prayer echoing on Emmanuel TV. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves you and He never fails. He is always available to transform his children. I am encouraging you to read your Holy Bible and pray every day so that you grow in spirit. And make the word of God standard for life so that the deliverance you have received will remain permanent in Jesus Christ name


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