Author: Amita Jones


When a man is subjected to persistent barrage of attacks instigated by his foes and detractors, the very simple question to be asked is: What is/are his sin(s)?

The world has seen and heard of the stories of individuals who dared to change the world by involving themselves in peculiar acts and activities; those which are rare and hard to comprehend and understand by the customary reasoning of human. These individuals eventually succeeded in their quest, by being persistent and sustaining their unique ideas, proposition and principles.

Think of a world conquering individual and you will sure see traces of the acts of propaganda, name-calling, smear campaign, slanderous campaign, and the likes, thrown at them by their opposition and detractors.

Jesus Christ

Nelson Mandela


Thomas Alva Edison

Neil Armstrong

The list above, amongst many others which cannot be mentioned, comprises great men who impacted positively on the lives of their generation and generation yet unborn. Yet, they were criticized, chastised, humiliated, imprisoned and jettisoned, all because of their ideas and unique contributions to their communities.

Certain qualities are common about the lives of these people; they remained persistent and courageous, and paid any price to protect their purpose in life. The lesson to be learnt is clear; for a person to be in the centre of his world, he must be willing to accept criticism of the detractors when they come.

One man who has consistently thrived in the midst of his detractors is Prophet TB Joshua, the founder of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Lagos-Nigeria. This man of God with the gift of accurate prophetic declaration, healing, deliverance and preaching of the Gospel, has stunned the world at large with series of prophetic messages that have turned out to be true and confirmed by the recipients.

The very fact that the popularity of this prophet has soared thanks to much criticism he has received from home and abroad, attests to his many trials. In the past decade, he has been bombarded by claims that he is a false prophet of God. In the midst of these, his continued calm and silence has endeared him to many.

So the question is: What is/are the sin(s) of TB Joshua?

  1. The fact that he cannot boast of a mentor?
  2. The fact that he performs miracles and deliverance?
  3. The fact that he issues prophetic statements that turn out to be true?
  4. The fact that he is a humble man?
  5. The fact that he cannot boast of the best educational qualification?
  6. The fact that he prefers to be involved in charitable causes?
  7. The fact that he is friend to the needy, beggars, widows, widowers, leaders, presidents, renowned personalities and indeed, friend to all?
  8. The fact that he pastors a congregation of citizens of the world?

Whatever his sin(s), let us all be aware that great men attract great rejection. That is what makes them thick. That is the tonic that strengthens them. Imagine the kind of opposition that Jesus Christ and the likes faced in their time.

Would you have believed them then?

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