BOMBSHELL – TB Joshua Foreign Disciples chased away Bisola Johnson from SCOAN.

We think it is high time we said something concerning the way Bisola Johnson speaks evil about T. B. Joshua and his church, SCOAN. We are going to say it without looking at faces.  This is not a matter of being disrespectful, but a matter of the understanding of the leading of the Holy Spirit.

As you all know all fingers are not equal as such Bisola Johnson who chose to be a crook by defrauding foreign visitors of TB Joshua of which, Stephen Apomsem was duped of $2,000,00, see proof here and many others over $40,000 that, led to her in and out of SCOAN.

The Only Truth

The only truth this compulsive liar (Bisola Lair) told was 1. She was a follower of TB Joshua and 2. She was the only person who was doing the voice over at the SCOAN studio until the many atrocities she caused started emerging making her leave the SCOAN the second time.

How we drove her out?

Bisola returned to The SCOAN after been forgiven the second time and discovered we have taken​ her ​position doing the voice over, even better than what she had been doing. ​ That’s when Bisola became so angry and finally left the SCOAN knowing very well she had no chance​ of getting back her position.

Pastor Ladi Thompson

After Bisola roamed the streets of Lagos for about a year teamed up to the ONLY Pastor who keeps the coffin in his alter and made a DVD called deception of the age, selling it for £5 each in the street of London. The money made from selling the DVD’s brought argument between Bisola Johnson and Ladi Thompson making them to split up. They forgot that anything that starts dubiously ends dubiously. Bisola then turned to visit prominent members of the SCOAN for financial assistance which they all decline, making her teaming up with Pastor Sunday Adelaja. Ladi Thompsom and his coffin in the alter

Readers, please take our word for it! none of what Bisola and TB Joshua counterpart, published on the internet are true. Just so you are aware Bisola and Adelaja have also started fighting over sales of their book published against TB Joshua.